7 % in BTL | Paid order |
Example of calculation: your purchase cost is 100 USD. Your cashback will be calculated as 100 USD * 7% / 0.10 USD (BTL rate) = 70 BTL 74 days - Average payment time of cashback |
AliExpress is an online international marketplace created by Alibaba.com. On AliExpress, buyers from more than 200 countries and regions order items in bulk or one at a time — all at low wholesale prices. AliExpress now feature more than one hundred million products supplied by more than 200,000 Chinese exporters and manufacturers.
Important note: In order to get your Cash back to your Bitlle account faster, please, confirm the receiving of your order in Aliexpress personal area as soon as you receive it.
How to get Cash back, if you purchase via Aliexpress application:1. Click the red button on this page to be forwarded to Aliexpress website.
2. Add goods chosen by you to the Basket.
3. Keeping the tab of the store opened in a browser, login to your Aliexpress application and enter your Basket section. You will see chosen goods there. Arrange your payment of those goods.
Please, note, you should not close a browser after you added goods to the Basket on Aliexpress website, and better not to open any other websites in the additional tabs. This can delete the recording of your referring from Bittle.com.